Federal Acquisition Certificate in Contracting (FAC-C)

Federal Acquisition Certificate in Contracting (Professional)

The FAC-C Professional Certification (FAC-C-PC) was established February 1, 2023. This certification program replaced the legacy FAC-C certification that had three separate levels and was phased out September 30, 2023. FAC-C (Professional) has only one level.

The FAC-C Professional Certification (FAC-C-PC) was established February 1, 2023. This certification program replaced the legacy FAC-C certification that had three separate levels and was phased out September 30, 2023. FAC-C (Professional) has only one level.

All active legacy FAC-C holders should have had their legacy FAC-C levels converted to FAC-C (Professional) in CSOD. Returning 1102s or former DoD employees joining NIH with a DAWIA certification should contract [email protected] for information on eligibly to convert to FAC-C (Professional).

FAC-C (Professional) Recertification website

FAC-C (Professional)

Minimum of one (1) year of contract work experience based on the Contract Specialist (GS-1102) Qualification Standard.

Required for all personnel to be delegated Contracting Officer authority (warrant). This certificate is a prerequisite for delegation of Contracting Officer authority to obligated federal funds above the Micro Purchase Threshold (MPT). Training includes completion of specific courses and capstone test that must be passed to be eligible for certification. Complete the following steps to be approved.

Step 2

Complete the required trainings (found in CSOD):

  1. CON 1100V: Contract Foundational Skills
  2. CON 1200V: Contract Pre-Award
  3. CON 1300V: Contract Award
  4. CON 1400V: Contract Post-Award
  5. CON 3990V: Contracting Certification Exam
  6. HHS Appropriations Law Completion Certificate or LMS Transcript (16 hours classroom or 16 hours online). This training must be completed within two years of application to be eligible.

Required Documentation for Application in FAI CSOD:

  1. Demonstrate a minimum of one-year of 1102 experience (HHS requires the “experience transcript” to demonstrate this requirement.)
  2. Show evidence of minimum Satisfactory rating on most recent performance appraisal (first page of appraisal is sufficient)

Step 3

Complete HHS Application Form PDF and submit signed copy with all FAC-C (Professional) requirements to NIH ACP ([email protected])

Step 4

Subscribe to the 1102 Listserv for program updates and training opportunities. Click Here for FAC-C listserv

What Happens Next

Upon completion and submission of the application package, the following will occur: 

1. The NIH ACP office will review to ensure requirements are met. If all requirements are met, the ACP office will sign the application form and return to applicant with instructions on how to apply in the CSOD system.
2. After the steps to apply in CSOD are complete, the applicant will notify the ACP office.
3. The ACP office reviews the application in CSOD. IF all components are complete, the ACP office will submit a ticket to the HHS ACM office to conduct the final review in CSOD. 
4. HHS Approves the application in CSOD that generates the certificate and the applicant will receive an automatic email notification of approval.

Training Options

There are currently three free online vendors that provide numerous training options to complete the certification and re-certification requirements.


The Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) offers free online and classroom/virtual training offerings. These can be found and registered for through the FAI CSOD System.


The Defense Acquisition University (DAU) offers several online courses related to acquisition, management, budget, etc. These courses can be registered for through DAU at http://www.dau.edu

VAO (1102s only)

The Virtual Acquisition Office’s (VAO) Applied Learning Online (ALO) modules offer several courses related to acquisitions. The licenses for this vendor are paid for annually by HHS. HHS currently only allows 1102s to be issued VAO licenses. Send enrollment requests to [email protected]

Instructions and Resources

FAI CSOD Instructions

The links below provides the FAI CSOD User Guides for both Employee and Supervisor actions in FAI CSOD. These are step-by-step instructions to all the actions employees or supervisors will do in the FAI CSOD System.

Director of OALM: Diane J. Frasier