Appropriations Law Training

The following staff at NIH are encouraged to complete this training:

  • Financial Officers and Budget Officers;
  • All funds certifying officials for proposed contracts, purchase orders, acquisitions or modifications of any dollar value (Note: This includes those mapped as requisitioners and certifiers classified as I-Procurement in the NBS);
  • Project Officers, Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs), and Program Managers;
  • All Contracting Officials (any of the contracting/purchasing staff of the 1100 series, which excludes Grants), including Contract Specialists, Contracting Officers, and Purchasing Agents. Finally, any personnel mapped as Buyers in the NBS but not in the aforementioned series are required to take the training. (NOTE: Purchase Card Holders who are not involved with placement of purchases via other mechanisms (i.e., contracts, purchase orders, BPA calls, delivery/task orders, etc.) are not required to complete this training, but it is encouraged).

There are two ways to complete the training requirement via online or participation in one of the classroom training sessions. See below for details.

. Online Training Classroom Training
Offered by HHS-developed course in the HHS Learning Portal (LMS) NIH Training Center
Course Title HHS Appropriations Law NIH Federal Appropriations Law
Duration 8 – 16 hours 2 days (see schedule at link below)
Continuous Learning Points (CLP’s) 16 CLP’s 16 CLP’s
Cost Free $475 (register through link below)
Link for more information
*Also see below “Top 10 Things to Know …” before starting the course.
NIH Training Center Course# 5521
Other 8 hours can be spread out to fit your schedule; does not need to be continuous

* If you choose the online course, it is VERY important to read and follow the instructions below (Top 10 Things to Know About the ‘HHS Appropriations Law’ Online Course). If you do not follow these instructions, you will likely waste valuable time and not get proper credit for the course.

Please forward any questions to the ACP office:[email protected]


Top 10 Things to Know About the ‘HHS Appropriations Law’ Online Course

  1. It is available in the HHS Learning Portal (also known as the Learning Management System (LMS)) at Use your NIH username and password to log in. Click ‘HHS Learning Portal’ to access the LMS. You will see a direct link to the course in the NIH Quick links box.
  2. Do not use the Firefox browser, on either PC or Mac. The course will not function properly. Make sure pop-ups are enabled in your browser.
  3. Do not wait until the last minute to complete this requirement. Information in the course indicates its duration to be 4 – 16 hours. We recommend allowing 8 hours of uninterrupted time to complete the course. These do not have to be continuous; the LMS will save your progress.
  4. Register for the course only once; resume from Enrollments. You will likely not finish the course in one session. Your progress will be saved in the LMS IF … To resume the course, you access it from your Enrollments screen. Registering for the course again, rather than Launching from your Enrollments screen, will make you start the course again from the beginning and end up with a mess of multiple Enrollments with no single completion.
  5. Skip the 25-question pre-test (25 questions). It is neither scored nor recorded, and you receive no feedback on what you got correct or incorrect. Save yourself ½ hour and go straight to the course menu page to begin Module 1.
  6. It is strongly recommended that you complete the 8 modules in order. Information in the course builds on what was presented in previous modules.
  7. Click all the ‘Click to Learn More’ and other links presented throughout the text. These pop-up windows often give important information you will see on the end of module tests. Pop-ups must be enabled in your browser!
  8. The ‘Knowledge Checks’ throughout each module are not graded, but they do give you helpful feedback.
  9. The end of module tests (8; 5-10 questions each) and end of course test (25 questions) must all be passed with a 70% or higher score. You will not receive feedback on questions you may have missed. If you score below 80%, you will only be told to review the material and try again.
  10. At any time, you may view the course main menu for a visual representation of the modules you have completed.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you do not pass the end of course post test and you exit the course, the course will still move to your transcript, marked as ‘Unsuccessful’ with your actual test score. At this point, you need to re-launch the course from your Transcript (rather than Enrollments) to take the post test again and raise your score to 80% or better. You may retake the post test as many times as you wish in order to raise your score.