NIH Pilot: Improving Reporting on NIH R&D Contracts

NIH is incorporating an enhancement that will grant NIH Contractors/Vendors (Vendors) the ability to enter select contract project data on R&D awarded contracts into the eRA systems for public display in NIH RePORTER. Beginning in May 2023, a pilot will be conducted with a handful of vendors. All existing NIH vendors with R&D contracts will be enrolled into the eRA system in Q1 of FY 2024.

NIH Pilot: Improving Reporting on NIH R&D Contracts

Project Goals and Purpose

Improve the quality, accuracy, and transparency of the contract project data displayed to the public through RePORTER and the Categorical Spending page to promote the highest level of public accountability.

NIH R&D Vendors Participating in Pilot

Vendors participating in the pilot that will grant Vendors the ability to enter select project data on R&D awarded contracts into eRA system may find additional information on the pilot at 'Submitting Data on R&D Contracts'.

NIH R&D Vendors Not Participating in Pilot

Vendors not participating in the pilot do not have any current actions at this time. Additional information will be provided for non-Pilot members in November 2023.

NIH Contracting Officers

NIH Contracting Officers that are awarding R&D contracts to the list of vendors included in the pilot should reference the NIH Document Generation System Guidance on the inclusion of contract clauses to address the requirement.

Currently, the specific clauses related to this requirement include the following (for both solicitations and contracts): The NOTIFICATION OF COMPLETION OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT DATA ENTRY IN ELECTRONIC RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION (eRA) SYSTEM article under Section F - Deliveries or Performance, and the RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT DATA IN ELECTRONIC RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION (eRA) SYSTEM article under Section H - Special Contract Requirements.