Basic COR Training

This page contains options for the Basic COR training required for each level of FAC-COR certification but does not include ALL FAC-COR certification requirements. The FAC-COR certification page can be found here:


TRAINING OPTIONS: There are many options for basic COR training, including the NIH Training Center, the FAI/DAU or other outside vendors.

Level I COR::Choose one option

  1. Complete 8 hour COR Essentials I through the NIH Training Center:
  2. Complete 8 hour free course FCR104 or FCR110 through CSOD
  3. Complete 8 hour course through an outside vendor (fees apply) See below

Levels II/III COR::Choose one option

  1. Complete 40 hour COR Essentials II through the NIH Training Center:
  2. Complete 32 hour free course CLC 222 Contracting Officers Representative (COR) Online Training:
  3. Complete 40 hour course through an outside vendor (fees apply) See below.

This list below is not comprehensive or exclusive, but includes vendors NIH has had experience with in the past, there are many other outside vendors available. Individuals are responsible for doing their own research on training opportunities. If you have a question on a specific training vendor or whether or not a specific course would count, please send your question to: